QuickBooks Technical Support: Unable to Enter Rent, Received in QuickBooks !!

QuickBooks Technical Support: Unable to Enter Rent, Received in QuickBooks !!: Unable to Enter Rent, Received in QuickBooks!! If the users are using QuickBooks and using it for the purpose of entering the data for...

Unable to Enter Rent, Received in QuickBooks !!

Unable to Enter Rent, Received in QuickBooks!!

If the users are using QuickBooks and using it for the purpose of entering the data for rent or tenant entry and in a sudden manner they face some issues while entering all the data entries. Well, they have not to worry as we are discussing the same technical issue which users face while using QuickBooks where we will provide the users a complete solution for managing and tracking their tenant’s rent payments. In this case, the users have to set up their rental properties as customers in the account in the receivable ledger for their own convenience. They have to follow each and every step while resolving the issue. In any case, if the face some error they have one more option to resolve the issue through Quickbooks online support number +1-855-861-4161.
Process for the solution with steps:
1.     First the users have to open the "Customer Center" and then they have to select "New Customer/Job."
2.     Now they have to choose "New Customer" to open the customer input screen.
3.     After that they have to enter the property's name and address as the customer contact information.
4.     After the previous step they have to use the custom data fields to comprise other suitable details about the property, such as the terms of payment, preferred payment method and reserve held for repairs.
5.     Now they have to click on "OK" to save their new customer and close the window or "Next" if they need to set up multiple properties.
6.     After that they have to select "New Job" from the "New Customer/Job" menu to set up the specific tenants for each property
7.     Now the users have to input the contact name, telephone number and mailing address for the tenant. The users have to use the tenant's contact address, but not the physical location of the rental property -- this is the address QuickBooks will use when generating their monthly rental invoices
8.     Now this is the time to click on "OK" button if they are done entering new tenants or the "Next" button to enter another.
9.     Now we are towards final steps where the users are required to click on the "Customers" menu, and after that they have to select "Receive Payments" to begin entering their rent receipts.
10.    Now they have to choose the cash receipt account from the "Accounts" drop-down list and then they have to select the appropriate tenant from the "Customer: Job" drop-down list.
11.  After the above step they are required to enter the amount of the rent payment and then click on "OK" to save the receipt if they are inputting rent for only one tenant. If they have rent from more than one tenant, then they have to select "Group with other un-deposited funds" to move on to the next cash receipt entry.

Quickbooks online support numberAs we have described the complete details with the solution of the issue which users face while entering the data for rent purpose. The users are required to follow the complete steps in resolving the issue and in any case they face some errors while following the instructions, they can have assistance through Quickbooks online support +1-855-861-4161 and our technicians will assist them to rectify their issue within a short span of time.

Unable to connect bank accounts in QuickBooks online?

Unable to connect bank accounts in QuickBooks online?

We are here to discuss an issue which the users of QuickBooks Online face while using it. We are providing the solution related to the issue ‘how to connect the bank accounts in QuickBooks online’ and users have to follow that instruction in a proper manner and they fail to do so by following the instructions then they can have assistance through QuickBooks customer service +1-855-861-4161.

1.     The users are required to choose Banking at the left.
v If the users have not connected a bank before, search the name of their financial institution.
v If they have connected a bank previously, then they have to click the "Add Account" button at the top right of the screen and search their financial institutions name.
2.     First the users are required to select their financial institution from the list.

3.     After that they are required to enter their User Id or Login Id and password for the financial institution website and then click on Continue.

4.     The users are required to complete the extra security verification steps if their financial institution requires it, and click securely connect.

5.     Now the users are required to click the bank emblem to the left of the account that they want to connect and then click on the account type drop-down menu to select a bank or credit card account. The users have keep in mind that they have to choose either a Bank or Credit Card account any of them will work. If they don't have the account created, they can click + add new to create their new account.

v When they first connect to their account, QuickBooks online downloads the previous 90 days of transactions and going forward will automatically download the user’s banking and credit card transactions nightly. For a shorter length of time, the users have to click on Need a shorter date range?
6.     Now it’s time to click on connect. This might take a few minutes.

7.     Now on the final step when their download finishes, they will be taken back to the Banking page. The For Review tab will contain transactions downloaded from user’s financial institution that the users can review, categorize, and accept to QuickBooks.
If the user’s bank isn't listed or they otherwise can't connect, or if they need to have more than 90 days' worth of data, they might be able to download transactions from their bank's website and upload them to QuickBooks Online.

Quickbooks customer service

As we can see that the users who were facing the technical issue related to QuickBooks ‘How to connect Bank Account to QuickBooks Online’ and they were in need of some technical assistance. The users are required to follow the instructions very strictly as we have provided over here and they will be to add their Bank accounts in QuickBooks online. If in any case the users failed to do so or face some error in any step then they have one more an option to resolve the issue through QuickBooks customer service Number +1-855-861-4161

QuickBooks unable to perform in a proper manner !!

QuickBooks unable to perform in a proper manner!!

QuickBooks Helpline:Sometimes while using QuickBooks the users face such kind of issues where the performance of QuickBooks becomes slow and need to be improved. We are discussing the same issue over here with its solution. We are providing instruction with some steps. The users are required to follow the instructions with all steps very carefully to resolve the issue. In any case they face some error while following the steps provided in instructions then we have another option to resolve the issue through QuickBooks Helpline number +1-855-861-4161.
Identify and resolve performance problems
Important: Some of these steps are best performed by a qualified IT professional, especially if the users do not have Administrator access to your server computer. The users have to be sure to update to the latest release before troubleshooting performance issues.

Solution 1: By creating a backup file to reset the TLG file and resort lists

Creating a recent backup file can help improve performance in QuickBooks because it resets the *.TLG (transaction log file) used to track changes to the company file before they are written to the database. You can read more about the transaction log file here.

1.     The users are required to choose the File menu in the program, Backup Company, and select Create Local Backup.
2.     Now they have to select Local Backup and click Options.
3.     In the Tell us where to save your back up copies, the users are required to choose their Desktop (or another local location).
4.     They have to ensure that a Complete Verification is selected and click OK.
5.     Now in the final step they have to Choose Save it now and click next. In the Save Backup Copy window, choose your Desktop (or another local location) and click Save.
QuickBooks will now create a backup file to your desktop.


As we can see it that through above instructions the users can resolve their issue very easily. They have to just follow these steps provided in the instructions. If in any case they face some errors while following the instructions they can opt another option to resolve the issue through QuickBooks Online support +1-855-861-4161 and our skilled technicians will assist them in resolving the issue.

How to Add Accounts Receivable Tracking in QuickBooks

How to Add Accounts Receivable Tracking in QuickBooks

Quickbooks helpline number:We are to discuss some technical issues with its solution which common users face in daily routine. The current topic of technical issues will be ‘How the users can track Receivable Accounts in QuickBooks’ with a complete solution including steps. What users have to do is to follow these steps in a proper manner and carefully so that the user’s issue can be resolved instantly. If in any case, the users face any error while following the instructions with steps then they have one more option to rectify the error they face through QuickBooks Helpline number +1-855-861-4161 and they will be assisted by the technicians of level six.
Process for the solution:
Before starting the process the users are required to add Customer Information
1. In the first step the users have to first Launch QuickBooks and after that they have to click on the "Customer Center" button.
2. Now the users have to select the "New Customer & Job" from the top of the Customer Center menu and choose "New Customer."
3. it’s time to enter the customer's name in the "Customer Name" field.
4. After that the users are required to enter the customer's outstanding balance, if any, in the "Opening Balance" and "As Of" fields.
5. Now the users have to add any additional information as required, including address, contact information and sales tax information, in the suitable fields and then click on the "Next" to save and enter customer information, or click on "OK" button to save and exit.

Adding an Accounts Receivable Account
1. The users have to launch QuickBooks and then click on the "Lists" menu option and select "Chart of Accounts."
2. After that they have to click "Account" which is at the bottom of the list and choose "New."
3. We are towards final step in that the users are required to select the "Accounts Receivable A/R" option and click "Continue."
4. After the previous step the users have to enter the name of the account in the "Account Name" field. Now the users have to enter the account number, if available, in the "Number" field.
5. That’s the final step where users are needed to click on "Next" to save the account and create a new one, or click "OK" to save and exit.

 According to the above-provided solution, we had seen that the users can resolve the issues by just following the instruction step by step. The users have to follow them very carefully. If in any case they face some error while following the instruction they can reach out us though QuickBooks support Phone number +1-855-861-4161

How to Do Payroll Checks in QuickBooks!!

How to Do Payroll Checks in QuickBooks!!

Well, from where to start writing about a software which is already made is place in the market as well established Brand. QuickBooks is an accounting software which can be used to manage the accounts for the user’s business. We can’t compare this software with any other software in the world as it has various features which can be utilized by the users. The users can maintain the payroll of their all employees from anywhere in the world. QuickBooks is a perfect option for the small scale industries. It is quite simple to use the software yet the users face some technical issues in it such as ‘unable to maintain paychecks in QuickBooks’. We are discussing the same issue over here with its solution. We are providing the instructions with step by step. The users are required to follow the instructions and can resolve the issues. If in any case the users face any error while following the instruction they have an option to resolve the issues through QuickBooks customer care +1-855-861-4161.

Process of the solution:

1.     The users are required to navigate to the Employee Center of QuickBooks by selecting the "Employee Center".
2.     Now the users have to click on “New Employee” to enter new employee information if they have any new employees. Now they have to fill in the form which will generate under the “Personal” tab.
3.     After the previous step the users have to select “Payroll and Compensation Info” from the drop-down list which is above the “Personal” tab and enter the information.
4.     It time to choose the pay period from the “Pay Frequency” drop-down list. The users have to select a pay schedule for the employee under the same tab.
5.     Now the users are required to click the “Taxes” button and under the “Federal” tab enter the information from their employee's W-4 form. After that tap on the “State” tab to enter information about the state taxes required in their state and on the same pattern click on Local tab.
6.     After completing the fifth steps the users are required to tap on the “Employee” link at the top of the page and scroll down to “Pay Employees” and then again click “Scheduled Payroll” andchoose the scheduled payroll they want to print from the drop-down box.
7.     We are towards final steps to resolve the issue now be careful. Now the users have to enter the date accordingly.
8.     After the previous steps the users have to select the bank they want to draw the payroll checks on from the drop-down selection box and then run payroll.
9.     Yes final step is about to come now the users have to check the list of active employees to make it sure that only those employees should be listed who will get payment and then click the “Continue” button.
10.                       Now here we are, it’s time to click “Print Paychecks” and then select “Print Paychecks”. Enter the first check number to print in the “Print Checks” dialog box and then click “OK.”
11.                       Yes this is it now the users have to select the type of check forms they are using in the check style area and click on the “Print” option and after the all of the paychecks for the current pay period will now print.

 Quickbooks support Phone number

As we can see that the users who were facing the issue while printing the Paychecks can find the solution over here. The users are required to follow the instructions very carefully as each step is very important. Even if a single step is missed the solution will not be possible. Well, it might be possible that the users can face some errors while following the instruction so for that we have solution too where the users can contact to third party QuickBooks technical support  +1-855-861-4161 to resolve the issue.

How to delete Entitlement data to fix your issue

QuickBooks error 3371 status code 11104. How to delete Entitlement data to fix your issue.

The users of QuickBooks are around the world in millions and they utilize this software for their business purpose and sometimes they face some issues related to it and one of them is ‘QuickBooks error 3371 status code 11104’ where the users are unable to resolve the issues and need some support for the same. We are providing the solution with some instructions. The users are required to follow the same to resolve the issues. If they face any error while following the instructions they can contact to QuickBookstech support number +1-855-861-4161.
How the users can resolve the issues by following the instruction?
First the users have to delete their current Entitlement data.
The users are normally face this errors such as we are defining the one below, whenever there is any issue with the entitlement copy. By simply deleting the file will ensure keep the users safe. These are the errors that they see:
The users have to “Re-enter the validation code as the correct code is not correct”
Their might be “The file is temporarily unavailable, please log back later”.
“There is an error when configuring quickbooks data”.
If the users face any such error then deleting the entitlement file can possibly resolve their issue.
How to delete the Entitlement data file:
1.     In first step the very first the users have to do is to log out from QuickBooks.
2.     After that they have to open up their task managerand thenthey can do that via keyboard shortcut as Ctrl+shift+Esc.
3.     After previous step in the task manager, click on more details under the windows tab.
4.     Now they have to press process tab and click on next.
5.     The users have to now sort the dialogue box by clicking the down arrow button. The users can also do that by simply clicking on the name of the process in the header section.
6.     After the previous step the users have to look out for the QBW32.exe file from the list of options given, and after that click on it and press end task button.
7.     After that the users have to click open the entitlement file. The users can do this by following the below steps:
o    On the user’s desktop, they have to open up the Run window. they can get the access to the window by clicking Win+R button.
o    After the previous step the users will have to find out .ecml file, they can do that by following the path: C drive > program data > entitlement client > QuickBooks version.
o    The users will now see EntitlementDataStore.ecml file.
o    Now it’s time to final step they have to Right, click on the said file and from the options provided hit delete.
8.     After that completing the previous step the users have deleted the file they will have to re-register the program by entering their product and the license number. For doing that they have to just try logging in to their QuickBooks program and follow the provided prompts.
9.     Now it is final step where completing everything their program should reactivate and the problem is resolved.

As we have described all the details of the problem with the solution, the user’s issues are resolved. The users have to follow all the instruction with all the steps in it. In case the users face any error while following the instructions they can contact our tech support team where our skilled and trained technicians will assist them in resolving the issues within no time through QuickBooks technicalsupport number +1-855-861-4161.

Transferring From ADP to QuickBooks @+1-855-861-4161

Transferring From ADP to QuickBooks

Quickbooks Tech Support:Physically entering information is a long, monotonous process when the users are maintaining the accounts for their independent company, especially when they have lots ofPayroll accounts. If the users have to utilize ADP's payroll services and QuickBooks accounting software, they can effortlessly transfertheir financial records to their accounting software properly. This act can curtails the time it takes to finishtheiraccounts, and enabling the users to focus on dealing with their business.

General Interface Setup
The availability of the general ledger interface of ADP 24x7 on the web - yet if the users have to access it, they initially need to contact a business associate to let him set up the user’s general interface account. In the event that the users don't have the contact details for their business related, then they can contact to QuickBooks  Customer Support number +1-855-861-4161. Our third-party tech support team will assist them in resolving the issue and our certified technician will assist them. The technicians will help the users in filling out an authorization form and the users will be provided a customized login information for their account.

The users can utilize the ADP in payroll services that deals with paying their finance costs for the employees and to government organizations. ADP enables the users to send out their financial information utilizing its general ledger interface. This information would then be able to be transported in into QuickBooks, enabling the users to incorporate every one of the information as a feature of the user’sfinancial statement

Exporting from ADP
If the users want to add the information to QuickBooks, send out it from ADP's general ledger interface. The users are required to click on "Define G/L File" and then select "Use a Predefined G/L File for Map Assistant." Then the users are required toselect QuickBooks from the drop-down menu. The users then will be prompted to "Map" payrollitems; from that the users should distinguish the relating general ledger account name or number for every payroll item. This enables the users to flawlessly coordinate with theirpayroll data into the general ledger. The users can reuse the mapevery time theytransfer the data to the QuickBooks. Now the users are required to select their desired payroll period and then click on "Download" to transfer the information to their computer.

Importing to QuickBooks

After sending the information by users from ADP, the process of adding the information to their QuickBooks general ledger is a very easy procedure. In the QuickBooks, the users have to just click on the "File" menu and select "Import." After that they have to select the file that they have recently saved to theircomputer. The data will be automatically added to their general ledger, incorporating with data which already existing general ledger accounts. After this steps the users can create any number of financial reports, like, income statements, balance sheets.

As we had seen the detailed process of transferring the data from ADP to QuickBooks accounting software. It is a simple process which the users have to follow the instruction to resolve their issues. If in any case the users face any error while following the instructions they will be assisted through QuickBooks customer services Number +1-855-861-4161 where our technicians will resolve the issue.

How to Record Bank Fees in QuickBooks

How to Record Bank Fees in QuickBooks?

The clients may not enjoy bank expense charges, but rather neglecting to record the charge appropriately in QuickBooks can cause additional headaches. For QuickBooks purposes, bank expenses are dealt with in a comparable way as of check charges and withdrawals. By recording bank expenses in the QuickBooks check enroll, the users abstain from neglecting the exchange when the time has come to accommodate the record. On the off chance that the bank charge isn't recorded legitimately, the users will sit idly recognizing and rectifying the issue. What users have to do is just follow the instructions as we are providing below step by step and the issues ‘How to Record Bank Fees in QuickBooks’, and if they still face any error while following the instructions then they can contact on QuickBooks Customer Care number +1-855-861-4161.
To resolve the issue as we discussed above the users are required to follow the instruction as we are providing below to resolve their issue in a proper manner:

In the first step the users have to click on "File," then "Open or Restore Company" to access their company's QuickBooks file.

After that the users are required to click the "Open a company file" after that radial button and select "Next."
In the next step the users have to choose their company's QuickBooks file nameand then click on "Open button."
After that the users have to click on "Banking," then "Use Register" from the main menu at the top of the screen.
The users are required to select the bank account that corresponds with the bank fee from the drop-down menu. Now click on "OK."
Now the users have to Scroll down to the bottom of the check register and find a blank transaction space.
Now it’s time to click on the date field and enter the date of the bank fee charge.
The users have to enter the bank fee amount in the "Payment" column.
Now we are towards final step where the users have to select the "Bank Service Charges" account in the "Account" drop-down menu.
Last and final step is here, now click on the "Record" to save the transaction

As we described the detail about the problem, which users face in QuickBooks? The users have to follow the instructions as we have mentioned above to resolve the issue step by step. If users face any error while following the steps they have one more option to resolve the issue from our tech support system through QuickBooks customer services number +1-855-861-4161 where certified and skilled technicians will assist them promptly.

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